Saturday, February 26, 2011
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
just being silly at 3am
What is this feeling so sudden and new? Oh yeah.. I took a glass of this green vodka elixir, I feel high.. Am I turning green? Are those flying monkeys? I feel like a froggy ferny cabbage..OH MY this is the best experience ever! I'm now ready to defy gravity.. I wanna do something wicked.. :O I wanna sell my car and buy that bubble, I'd be sooo popular.. oh, hm..Eleka nahmen nahmen ah tum ah tum eleka nahmen.. eleka, eleka.. uuuhh.. I lost my-y-y-y-y-y-y-y abili-i-i-i-*hm*ty, sorry, to spe-e-e-e-ak... umm.. 3am sillyness hehehe
Monday, February 14, 2011
Haters gona hate..
Anonymous asked: You are an attractive girl. You don't have to be gay. Why are you messing your life up by being lesbian?
Me: okay, first of all, thankyou very much!
second.. I know who I am and what I’ve got.. I may sound a little narcissistic but I do think that I’m very attractive..
What do you know about my life? Why do you say that I’m messing up my life by being a lesbian.. if I’m like one of the happiest people walking on this earth!
Thankyou for your concern, I hope you get that being gay is not a choice, it’s how we’re born.. and I’m very happy and proud about myself and my sexual orientation
Happy valentines day :)
Me: okay, first of all, thankyou very much!
second.. I know who I am and what I’ve got.. I may sound a little narcissistic but I do think that I’m very attractive..
What do you know about my life? Why do you say that I’m messing up my life by being a lesbian.. if I’m like one of the happiest people walking on this earth!
Thankyou for your concern, I hope you get that being gay is not a choice, it’s how we’re born.. and I’m very happy and proud about myself and my sexual orientation
Happy valentines day :)
Anonymous asked: You have no right to have a Valentine. Because you're gay. You will live and die alone.
Me: Really? Oh well.. thank God I enjoy very much my own company :)
Me: Really? Oh well.. thank God I enjoy very much my own company :)
Anonymous asked: These young gay people who killed themselves weren't murdered. They comitted suicide because they wanted to. No one forced them, it was their own decision. They simply didn't get along with their disability (=being gay) and weren't strong enough to fight it. It was necessary. We don't need weak gay people in this world.
No, they weren’t murdered, but they were pushed to the edge by IGNORANT, IMMATURE, MORONIC people LIKE YOU.. and Im getting tired of answering this anons.. please next time dont be such a pussy and dont send me an anon..
and we dont need hater, ignorant, self centered, stupid people in the world.
No, they weren’t murdered, but they were pushed to the edge by IGNORANT, IMMATURE, MORONIC people LIKE YOU.. and Im getting tired of answering this anons.. please next time dont be such a pussy and dont send me an anon..
and we dont need hater, ignorant, self centered, stupid people in the world.
Anonymous asked: I am sorry to inform you that your gay experiment won't have a future. Please try to understand this. It was fun for a while, like watching weird looking animals in a zoo, but only as long as you were hiding and not showing your affection to the same sex in public. Years ago, homosexuality was merely the base for novels or movies. But now that you are demanding equal rights, we straight people have to face a real problem. You are naughty and greedy. You have overdone things. And because you demand too much, you won't get anything.
There can be a feeling of profound friendship between two members of the same sex, yes, but never love. Never ever. You can be friends with another girl. But you can never ever love another girl. That's not possible. There is a reason why two sexes (male and female) exist.
I have to say that you don't understand what you and your fellow homosexuals are trying to do. You want to question what we straight people value: marriage between a man and a woman, adoption rights, sociall/tax benefits for husband and wife, the safety a normal family can provide for their children and many other things.I want to say that I will use every legal measure to keep off homosexual people from having equal rights.There isn't an endless amount of human rights available, we have to deploy our resources carefully and wisely.Eventually you will understand this one day.It is unbelievable how you, the LGBTQ people think that your sexual orientation could ever be socially accepted. It is such a miscalculation to assume that you would ever be equal. You can never expect that. Never ever. I will take every legal measure to fight you, I will try to avoid contact with you in real life. I don't want to be touched by you (e.g. by shaking hands), I don't want to sit next to you in a bus, I don't want you in or near my family. I might have already met gay people, that's why we need some sort of worlwide database where all the LGBTQ people are listed. So that we normal (=straight) people can avoid you.There are things in the world that are just not okay. Being gay is one of them. I would love to be able to avoid you, but even in my peaceful, normal city there was a "Pride" this summer, a LGBTQ march for equal rights. How dare you to claim that homosexuality is normal.
Most straight people don't show openly their aversion for you, but that doesn't mean that they approve your lifestyle. Straight people might not beat you up, they might even talk and smile to you, but only on the outside. On the inside they wait until the laws that protect you will become invalid and then...dare you.If you can't conform to our (straight) society, you won't be a part of our society.We will get rid of the gays. One way or another.We can't allow gay people to go for their sexual orientation. If everyone did what gays do, the world would turn into chaos. Even to imagine how two girls/two guys make out is unbearably disgusting.As soon as scientists will find the "gay gene", there won't be any gay babies anymore in this world. Then we can get rid of the gays from the very beginning.LGBTQ people won't have a future, that's why they should become normal immediately.And because only 2-3% of all people are gay, we can abandon them. The world population is already large enough, why should we keep the gays alive?It isn't anything personal, it's just a job.Please try to understand that this is necessary.
-smartypants (
Me: Hi smartypants, I do have a few things to say to you, dearest!
1. Being gay is not an experiment, being bullied is not an experiment, being mistreated is not an experiment.. we’re not masochists, speaking for myself — I love myself, and I’d never do anything to hurt me physically or emotionally.
2. I’m so sorry that PDA bothers you so bad, I find it bothering too when I see a homosexual/heterosexual couple going to second base in public, I truly believe that hormones can be controlled, specially in lesbian couples, there’s no penis involved sooo we both can think a lot more than men. YAY, kudos for us :). Then again, if I see a couple touching each other heavily I just turn around and walk away. I don’t wanna see, I do not see. That’s the key for getting a quiet, peace of mind, you should try it.
3. What is “too much” for you? Being able to get married wherever, like you straight people do? Being able to serve our country without lying about who we like? I think this is honorable, and FYI have you seen how Prop 8 got overturned in various states now? Read a little, inform yourself, ‘cause we’re going for the world. We’re going to make the “Gay” in Gay Rights disappear.
4. Do you know what love is, darling? Do you love your dad? Your mom? YOU DO? OMFG INCEST! BAHAHAHA Love is not only about partners, it is also about friendship and family. I lvoe each and every single one of my (guys and girls) friends, and my brother, sister, mom, and dad. I feel really, really sad for you if you do not know what love really means, like really, trust me dude, I’m here just talk to me and I will listen and maybe with a few years of friendship I will love you (as a friend) :). What makes the difference between who I love, and who I date is who I’m attracted to, I’m attracted to women, so I date women! Make your research, gosh, I love this topic but explaining this things to people make me feel like I’m explaining to a baby in kindergarden!
5. The reason why 2 sexes exist is because we need to procreate to maintain the human race alive! SEX is for a man and a woman.. semen and ovule..! Yes? Get it?
6. What you straight people? Excuse me! But I know a lot of straight people and they value far more than that mere old school way of looking at things! Thank God, not much of a smartypants for you.. like, really, this is 2011, don’t stay back, keep up with the whole world, honey!
a) marriage between a man and a woman
What makes marriage between a man and a woman so special? That one has a penis and the other a vagina? I don’t get it.. The real awesome thing of a marriage is the unification of 2 people who love each other!! No matter if it is man/woman, mam/man, woman/woman, trans/man, trans/woman, 4 women/1 man, 4 men/1 women, catholic/jew, black/white, european/latino.. WHATEVER!
b) adoption rights
You do value adoption? Then how come there are MANY kids that NEVER leave the adoption house? Like, really.. Thank God same sex adoption is allowed in many countries :)
c) sociall/tax benefits for husband and wife
huh? yeah ok.. whatever you say, HA!
d) the safety a normal family can provide for their children
Safety? Have you seen the news recently? WHAT? Gay boy mistreated a straight boy psychologically and physically so bad that the poor straight boy had to kill himself!.. Read the news, ONE MORE TIME! Straight, red neck haters is what keeps YOUR neighborhood unsafe, starting with YOU, my friend.
e) and many other things.
Gimme more, I have a say in everything!
7. Try every legal measure you like, the fact is that the world is evolving, and little by little we’ll have our equal rights, and we’ll haunt you down! Not really.. :)
8. Socially accepted? Umm.. Look around! You live inside a tiny bubble dont you? GOD! Im starting to repeat things over, and over again here..! PLEASE DONT AVOID ME MISTER, PLEASE :’(.. PFF hahaha. Do whatever you want, for all I care, I’m not gonna cry to my mommy, or to my girlfriend.. :) And trust me, nobody will ever fight for your love, nobody cares about your opinions with all this hate you have inside of you.
9. Worldwide DATABASE? Oh wow.. do you know how MORONIC you just sounded? Freaking neo nazi.. you people really surprise me, Im going to make a webcast about this later in the day, congratulations! You’ve won yourself the topic for today’s webcast: Ignorance and Morons, how do these 2 words relate each other. Really, for all I care you can insert a chip inside of me, I wont change who I am, I’m really proud of it.. It took me a while to accept myself, and you, mister, are a moron. with all due respect.
10. Pride? HOW COOL IS THAT! I’ve always wanted to attend to one of those!! Hmm maybe Ill attend this year in New York :)
11. Oh, and its funny how everytime you type straight you immediately write down normal.. like if you were putting labels upon yourself.. HA! hehehehehehe.
12. Do not talk about straight people in general. The majority of my closes friends are straight, my whole family is straight. And they love, support, hang, give a hand, advice, have fun with, ask advice to GAY PEOPLE, like me YAY! I love evolved and really smart heterosexuals :)
13. If you can’t conform to a loving society, you won’t live past 2012.. Yes, thats a threat :O
14. So you are accepting that gay is in our genes. Good, you’re less than halfway there to growing a brain! Kudos, keep it up!
15. And, once again, read the news.. 2-3% is not even close to the real number :)
16. “Why should we keep gays alive?” Wow, you keep doin’ it. I’m very surprised once again.. I don’t even know how to respond to this, im like shocked.. this immensity of ignorance, hate, discrimination, self-centered shit is too much for me.. A very LOW level of intelligence you got there, hon.
17. Just a job? What’s your job? APOCALYPSE NOW ENTERPRISES? AGAINST EVOLUTION COMMERCE? Do you run a webpage about straight, moronic rednecks? I really want to know what your job is. Hate, Inc.? hmm
Please grow a brain, heart, and imagination.. ‘cause what Karma is preparing for you.. whoaaaaaa hehe.. todloo
There can be a feeling of profound friendship between two members of the same sex, yes, but never love. Never ever. You can be friends with another girl. But you can never ever love another girl. That's not possible. There is a reason why two sexes (male and female) exist.
I have to say that you don't understand what you and your fellow homosexuals are trying to do. You want to question what we straight people value: marriage between a man and a woman, adoption rights, sociall/tax benefits for husband and wife, the safety a normal family can provide for their children and many other things.I want to say that I will use every legal measure to keep off homosexual people from having equal rights.There isn't an endless amount of human rights available, we have to deploy our resources carefully and wisely.Eventually you will understand this one day.It is unbelievable how you, the LGBTQ people think that your sexual orientation could ever be socially accepted. It is such a miscalculation to assume that you would ever be equal. You can never expect that. Never ever. I will take every legal measure to fight you, I will try to avoid contact with you in real life. I don't want to be touched by you (e.g. by shaking hands), I don't want to sit next to you in a bus, I don't want you in or near my family. I might have already met gay people, that's why we need some sort of worlwide database where all the LGBTQ people are listed. So that we normal (=straight) people can avoid you.There are things in the world that are just not okay. Being gay is one of them. I would love to be able to avoid you, but even in my peaceful, normal city there was a "Pride" this summer, a LGBTQ march for equal rights. How dare you to claim that homosexuality is normal.
Most straight people don't show openly their aversion for you, but that doesn't mean that they approve your lifestyle. Straight people might not beat you up, they might even talk and smile to you, but only on the outside. On the inside they wait until the laws that protect you will become invalid and then...dare you.If you can't conform to our (straight) society, you won't be a part of our society.We will get rid of the gays. One way or another.We can't allow gay people to go for their sexual orientation. If everyone did what gays do, the world would turn into chaos. Even to imagine how two girls/two guys make out is unbearably disgusting.As soon as scientists will find the "gay gene", there won't be any gay babies anymore in this world. Then we can get rid of the gays from the very beginning.LGBTQ people won't have a future, that's why they should become normal immediately.And because only 2-3% of all people are gay, we can abandon them. The world population is already large enough, why should we keep the gays alive?It isn't anything personal, it's just a job.Please try to understand that this is necessary.
-smartypants (
Me: Hi smartypants, I do have a few things to say to you, dearest!
1. Being gay is not an experiment, being bullied is not an experiment, being mistreated is not an experiment.. we’re not masochists, speaking for myself — I love myself, and I’d never do anything to hurt me physically or emotionally.
2. I’m so sorry that PDA bothers you so bad, I find it bothering too when I see a homosexual/heterosexual couple going to second base in public, I truly believe that hormones can be controlled, specially in lesbian couples, there’s no penis involved sooo we both can think a lot more than men. YAY, kudos for us :). Then again, if I see a couple touching each other heavily I just turn around and walk away. I don’t wanna see, I do not see. That’s the key for getting a quiet, peace of mind, you should try it.
3. What is “too much” for you? Being able to get married wherever, like you straight people do? Being able to serve our country without lying about who we like? I think this is honorable, and FYI have you seen how Prop 8 got overturned in various states now? Read a little, inform yourself, ‘cause we’re going for the world. We’re going to make the “Gay” in Gay Rights disappear.
4. Do you know what love is, darling? Do you love your dad? Your mom? YOU DO? OMFG INCEST! BAHAHAHA Love is not only about partners, it is also about friendship and family. I lvoe each and every single one of my (guys and girls) friends, and my brother, sister, mom, and dad. I feel really, really sad for you if you do not know what love really means, like really, trust me dude, I’m here just talk to me and I will listen and maybe with a few years of friendship I will love you (as a friend) :). What makes the difference between who I love, and who I date is who I’m attracted to, I’m attracted to women, so I date women! Make your research, gosh, I love this topic but explaining this things to people make me feel like I’m explaining to a baby in kindergarden!
5. The reason why 2 sexes exist is because we need to procreate to maintain the human race alive! SEX is for a man and a woman.. semen and ovule..! Yes? Get it?
6. What you straight people? Excuse me! But I know a lot of straight people and they value far more than that mere old school way of looking at things! Thank God, not much of a smartypants for you.. like, really, this is 2011, don’t stay back, keep up with the whole world, honey!
a) marriage between a man and a woman
What makes marriage between a man and a woman so special? That one has a penis and the other a vagina? I don’t get it.. The real awesome thing of a marriage is the unification of 2 people who love each other!! No matter if it is man/woman, mam/man, woman/woman, trans/man, trans/woman, 4 women/1 man, 4 men/1 women, catholic/jew, black/white, european/latino.. WHATEVER!
b) adoption rights
You do value adoption? Then how come there are MANY kids that NEVER leave the adoption house? Like, really.. Thank God same sex adoption is allowed in many countries :)
c) sociall/tax benefits for husband and wife
huh? yeah ok.. whatever you say, HA!
d) the safety a normal family can provide for their children
Safety? Have you seen the news recently? WHAT? Gay boy mistreated a straight boy psychologically and physically so bad that the poor straight boy had to kill himself!.. Read the news, ONE MORE TIME! Straight, red neck haters is what keeps YOUR neighborhood unsafe, starting with YOU, my friend.
e) and many other things.
Gimme more, I have a say in everything!
7. Try every legal measure you like, the fact is that the world is evolving, and little by little we’ll have our equal rights, and we’ll haunt you down! Not really.. :)
8. Socially accepted? Umm.. Look around! You live inside a tiny bubble dont you? GOD! Im starting to repeat things over, and over again here..! PLEASE DONT AVOID ME MISTER, PLEASE :’(.. PFF hahaha. Do whatever you want, for all I care, I’m not gonna cry to my mommy, or to my girlfriend.. :) And trust me, nobody will ever fight for your love, nobody cares about your opinions with all this hate you have inside of you.
9. Worldwide DATABASE? Oh wow.. do you know how MORONIC you just sounded? Freaking neo nazi.. you people really surprise me, Im going to make a webcast about this later in the day, congratulations! You’ve won yourself the topic for today’s webcast: Ignorance and Morons, how do these 2 words relate each other. Really, for all I care you can insert a chip inside of me, I wont change who I am, I’m really proud of it.. It took me a while to accept myself, and you, mister, are a moron. with all due respect.
10. Pride? HOW COOL IS THAT! I’ve always wanted to attend to one of those!! Hmm maybe Ill attend this year in New York :)
11. Oh, and its funny how everytime you type straight you immediately write down normal.. like if you were putting labels upon yourself.. HA! hehehehehehe.
12. Do not talk about straight people in general. The majority of my closes friends are straight, my whole family is straight. And they love, support, hang, give a hand, advice, have fun with, ask advice to GAY PEOPLE, like me YAY! I love evolved and really smart heterosexuals :)
13. If you can’t conform to a loving society, you won’t live past 2012.. Yes, thats a threat :O
14. So you are accepting that gay is in our genes. Good, you’re less than halfway there to growing a brain! Kudos, keep it up!
15. And, once again, read the news.. 2-3% is not even close to the real number :)
16. “Why should we keep gays alive?” Wow, you keep doin’ it. I’m very surprised once again.. I don’t even know how to respond to this, im like shocked.. this immensity of ignorance, hate, discrimination, self-centered shit is too much for me.. A very LOW level of intelligence you got there, hon.
17. Just a job? What’s your job? APOCALYPSE NOW ENTERPRISES? AGAINST EVOLUTION COMMERCE? Do you run a webpage about straight, moronic rednecks? I really want to know what your job is. Hate, Inc.? hmm
Please grow a brain, heart, and imagination.. ‘cause what Karma is preparing for you.. whoaaaaaa hehe.. todloo
Anonymous asked: I'm not hiding. The only reason that I don't have a tumblr is that it has been deleted when I started telling the truth about gay people: that you are disgusting and abnormal.
My name is Sophie Miriam Herold, I'm a 21-year-old female undergraduate student from Germany. You also know me as smartypants. You can contact me by sending a message to:
I am not hiding. I'm not afraid of you gay people. I will fight you as long as I can.
I know that by putting me out there I will be harassed and threatened. That is the price I have to pay for telling the truth about gay people. But I am not afraid of being physically harmed or killed. You may break my bones, but you can't change the facts: that homosexuality is abnormal and disgusting.
Me: Rihanna fan? “Sticks and stones may brake my bones” hahah I love that song too.. Rihanna is so freaking HAWT!
Keep your truth to yourself and stop sending HATE messages.. I do not want to contact you, and I hope that you re-read all you have sent to all of us and say.. Gosh am I dumb, I do not even know what I’m talking about.. ‘cause the fact is, darling, that you do not know. This is my last reply to you.
Peace out.
My name is Sophie Miriam Herold, I'm a 21-year-old female undergraduate student from Germany. You also know me as smartypants. You can contact me by sending a message to:
I am not hiding. I'm not afraid of you gay people. I will fight you as long as I can.
I know that by putting me out there I will be harassed and threatened. That is the price I have to pay for telling the truth about gay people. But I am not afraid of being physically harmed or killed. You may break my bones, but you can't change the facts: that homosexuality is abnormal and disgusting.
Me: Rihanna fan? “Sticks and stones may brake my bones” hahah I love that song too.. Rihanna is so freaking HAWT!
Keep your truth to yourself and stop sending HATE messages.. I do not want to contact you, and I hope that you re-read all you have sent to all of us and say.. Gosh am I dumb, I do not even know what I’m talking about.. ‘cause the fact is, darling, that you do not know. This is my last reply to you.
Peace out.
Anti-Valentine's Day: How to Get Over Her
Happy Valentine’s Day! If I were in a relationship right now, I’d be writing gushy love poems and planning a ridiculous evening involving fudge, L Word re-runs, and probably mackin’ on you in public to the point where overzealous teenagers would write abbreviated and punctuation-less Facebook statuses about how hot/gross we are.
But I am not in a relationship. So, instead, I’m going to give you some tips on how to get over that special someone, because when you’re dumped or rejected or feeling craptacular in general, it’s easy to lose perspective about what really matters and end up buying eight boxes of discounted Ferrero Rocher balls and a musical greeting card where Zac Efron sings something about how great basketball is, then crying your eyes out. That has its place, don’t get me wrong. But only about once every five years. Keep this list in mind the next time you’re unlucky in love, need a laugh, or need to feel more superior than someone is still trying to make Zac Efron relevant.
Reality check
Everyone gets rejected and dumped. And, everyone also does some rejecting and dumping of their own. This is just life. And, while you may not believe it now, it’s for the best. Often, when said rejection/dumping occurs, we immediately start to blame ourselves – I’m not hot enough. I’m not charismatic. I never got her Princess Bride references, therefore am worthless. As if the end of all relationships is a direct reflection of your self-worth. It’s not. That’s silly. You are totally hot and charismatic and I bet you can quote other movies from the '80s that are more culturally relevant to your life too. Don’t go hating on yourself. It will get you nowhere, and it’s not even remotely true, which brings me to —
Moping Rules
You’re allowed to grieve, of course, but not excessively. For instance, if a girl dumps you after three dates, you cannot spend the next three months mourning the loss of her. Sometimes you need to spit-sob your way through a Rihanna CD and sleep until noon, I know. Just don’t make it a habit. You can, however, spoil yourself a little when recovering from a break-up. Take long baths, listen to the terrible music you love but your girlfriend hated, buy a hot new outfit, write whole pages of expletives in your journal, then tear them up and throw them away because it’s cathartic. Force yourself to go out. We are social creatures, and even if you’re not your usual bright, bubbly self, it helps to be around people, preferably ones that will tell you how awesome you are and/or buy you some Nutella.
It’s not you, it’s her. And fine, even if it is you, it’s not the end of the world. I’ve rejected or dumped plenty of hot, awesome people in my life. Sometimes because I didn’t want to be “tied down." Sometimes because I was still getting over someone. Sometimes because they lived 2,000 miles away. Sometimes because I wanted Katy Perry fireworks to shoot out of my bra and that just wasn’t happening. Making real and lasting connections with people is a random, dollar store grab bag of attraction, respect, friendship, and willingness to watch The Bachelor with you and only complain about it little bit. The point is, sometimes, it really isn’t about you, but elements you have no way of controlling, like pheromones, geography, timing, sparkly boobs, etc.
As I wrote about in The Hook Up recently, I was dumped once for not having, as Ruth Callander might say, a doodle. Objectively, that was a “it’s me" scenario, since I was no longer what she found desirable. And yes, it sucked, but it would have sucked way more to have stuck around in a relationship where we wanted drastically different things. Remember that. If someone isn’t ecstatic to be with you, if they don’t feel like kittens and rainbows burst from the sky when they look at you, if they don’t want to rip your clothes off, if they don’t love having you around even for mundane laundry-and-frozen-burrito days, then you should not be with them. You should be with someone who is totally stoked to be with you.
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"I'm sorry, you just don't have the doodle I'm looking for." |
Get out of her Facebook
If you can’t bring yourself to outright de-friend her, then at the very least hide her Facebook updates. Whatever they are, you don’t want to know, trust me. Even if she writes about how bummed she is that y’all are no longer girlfriends, it’ll only be a temporary fix. The same goes for Twitter, Google stalking, Skype chatting, and whatever other social media connections you may have had. Most of the time, you’ll be able to be friends with her. But later! Not now. Now you need to push forward, which does not involve looking at cute, coupley photos of you two together or searching for hidden meanings in the TV on the Radio lyrics she posted on some other chick’s wall.
The same goes for non-electronic tokens of her. Put reminders, love notes, pictures, etc. in a box and put that box in a closet that is hard to reach without a ladder. You can look at them again when you’re pretty sure seeing them will make you feel nostalgic, but not lost.
Get a life
Perhaps the most important tip, this goes hand in hand with helping you not be mopey. Find fulfilling ways to occupy your time, whether that’s taking a yoga class, perfecting your kimchi recipe, learning how to give a lap dance, starting a Tumblr about how hilarious and awkward online dating is (shameless plug!), or joining a “people who don’t get Princess Bride references" chat group. Getting a life not only helps you stop obsessing, but it also makes you more interesting and allows you more avenues to meet new people. People who might want to see you naked. Catch my drift? It’s like the proverbial killing two birds with one stone idiom, except I’ve always found that to be rather violent, plus I’m vegetarian, so let’s say it’s like feeding two birds with one Tofutti Cutie instead.
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"Please, you have to move on. You can't keep stalking me like this." |
Source: Valentines day people.. I'm off to do something productive with my life :)
Ignorance.. really.. ugh
Nothing makes me more sick than a cocky heterosexual claiming that us, gay people, are whats wrong in the world.. and they forget the fact that its not us who hate other people. It is us who respect far more than “normal” heterosexuals. As soon as anyone starts to judge, he/she is wrong. It makes me sick, but far more sad to read hate messages.. something’s wrong with the world. If you hate or judge, then you are less human, and you people make me doubt my faith in humanity. Homosexuality is not a sickness, it’s a way of living, it’s in our hormones, DNA, minds, hearts. I cannot explain why Im not at all attracted to men, I only know that the female anatomy and way of thinking make me melt, when I listen to a girls voice I get so nervous I find myself having difficulty breathing. I love women, I love them wholly, their voice, their touch, their expressions, their heart, their body, their laugh, their eyes, their hair, legs, torso, waist, minds. And I swear I do not have anything against men, I’m just not into them. And I do not accept hate messages to any gay person ‘cause you have no idea what he/she have been through in their process of acceptance with themselves, families, and friends. So I ask you to grow a heart and BACK OFF haters, stop bothering people that are not the same as you, that think different, have a different skin color, speak different language, that do not find sexually attractive people from the opposite sex. Live and let live.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
things I cannot say to you..
I know there are some things about me that you don’t like.. frankly, I love you.. maybe too much.. but I’m not willing to change who I am.. ‘cause, to be honest, I love who I am, there are some things that I do not like about myself, trust me, I’m working on them.. I have to say this though.. there are some things that I don’t like about you, but I would never ask you to change ‘cause I love you, wholly, if you didn’t have those little things that I don’t like, you wouldn’t be you, and maybe I would not like you at all. Don’t leave me hanging here, and talk to me! You repeatedly asked me to take you as you are, and I do.. completely! Now I ask you to take ME as I am, to love the good and the bad that comes with me.. don’t be like this.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Call It Off Tegan and Sara
This song.. right now I'd consider it as MY song.. cripe.. im not ok guys..! I just talked to the girl I love and she was like all mean.. I guess I deserve it for everything I've done in my past but.. hell.. feels terrible! Im very sad 'cause I'm afraid that the probability of the greatest friendship ever may be ruined! because of motherfucking hormones and feelings.. but I do feel like she owes me an explanation.. after all she started all this, and she left me hanging.. im so angry and sad at the moment.. im sorry.. enjoy the song
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
I Do That Too
Heyooo beautiful peeeeople! New day, best mood ever! So I went to my school, I got there 3 minutes early (for the first time ever) and NO ONE was there.. don't you hate it when, for a change, you get some place early and everybody else decides to take their time?? It happens to me more often than you think.. anyway, I had my acting class and now im preparing for an audition!! YES! The musical is Hairspray and the role Ill audition for is Penny's mother, my character will be based on Jackie Hoffman's personification, and Ira from Desperate Housewives, Ill tell you how it goooes! I'm a little excited. YAY hahaha.
Ok so, I found on twitter this user that goes by IDoThat2, check it out! It's hilarious!! If you saw my video A Lil Bit About Me and you actually payed attention at what I was saying and you, indeed, checked out everyoneisgaydotcom AND you found them funny (and Kristin gorgeous), then trust my judgement and check it out. Im gonna post some of the tweets that I relate too --
1. You are never too old for a Disney movie
100% true, I cant get tired of Disney movies
2. Dear homework: You're not attractive, I'm not doing you
Pff, nobody could've said this better
3. Talk to you all night = Die from lack of sleep next day.. Worth every minute
Cheesy, but totally me <3
4. I love people who text back instantly
I do that, only because I think that it's childish to make the other person suffer
5. Meeting someone in the weirdest way, then they're a huge part of your life
Special someone's sigh..
6. Saying something then realizing it sounded extremely sexual
Happens to me EVERY single time
7. Open fridge, nothing. Freezer? nothing. Might as well try the fridge again
Every time..
8. Texting someone to say that you're outside their house instead of knocking
I'm extremely lazy, I don't even bother to knock
9. I hate saying hi to people, and they don't see you, and you feel stupid
And if someone is watching you they laugh their little heart out at you.. and you blush #awesome
10. I keep twisting the door knob even after I know it's locked
11. I hate it when my parents ask me who I'm texting!
Nosy parents.. argh
12. No, I'm not being immature, I'm having fun. You should try it.
OOOH bburn
13. Knocking something over, catching it, and being amazed by your own reflexes
adding - Im a Ninja! hiya! I'm awesome
14. I love it when I know something I'm not supposed to know
and then you feel powerful and connected
15. Saying : Oh! -- like you get it.. But you still have no idea
and you make a Yeah face
16. Trying to fix things by hitting them
like a cellphone, computer, laptop, dvd, tv... always do that.. always works
17. People who make you happy the second they start talking to you
That only happens to me with one person.. my goat.. and my heart jumps a little.. sigh :(
18. If I text a person in the same room as me, I stare at them until they get it
#idothattoo and I feel creepy
19. Yelling "Run Forrest, fun" when you see someone running
I also apply "Run Joanne, run" from the House Bunny
20. Laughing so hard you feel a six pack coming on
And then you brag about it and you start telling people "touch it, touch it" and you feel sexy
These are some of the tweets that I loved but she has many more, really check her out.. Ill come back in a bit peeps! :) Happy Tuesday!
Ok so, I found on twitter this user that goes by IDoThat2, check it out! It's hilarious!! If you saw my video A Lil Bit About Me and you actually payed attention at what I was saying and you, indeed, checked out everyoneisgaydotcom AND you found them funny (and Kristin gorgeous), then trust my judgement and check it out. Im gonna post some of the tweets that I relate too --
1. You are never too old for a Disney movie
100% true, I cant get tired of Disney movies
2. Dear homework: You're not attractive, I'm not doing you
Pff, nobody could've said this better
3. Talk to you all night = Die from lack of sleep next day.. Worth every minute
Cheesy, but totally me <3
4. I love people who text back instantly
I do that, only because I think that it's childish to make the other person suffer
5. Meeting someone in the weirdest way, then they're a huge part of your life
Special someone's sigh..
6. Saying something then realizing it sounded extremely sexual
Happens to me EVERY single time
7. Open fridge, nothing. Freezer? nothing. Might as well try the fridge again
Every time..
8. Texting someone to say that you're outside their house instead of knocking
I'm extremely lazy, I don't even bother to knock
9. I hate saying hi to people, and they don't see you, and you feel stupid
And if someone is watching you they laugh their little heart out at you.. and you blush #awesome
10. I keep twisting the door knob even after I know it's locked
11. I hate it when my parents ask me who I'm texting!
Nosy parents.. argh
12. No, I'm not being immature, I'm having fun. You should try it.
OOOH bburn
13. Knocking something over, catching it, and being amazed by your own reflexes
adding - Im a Ninja! hiya! I'm awesome
14. I love it when I know something I'm not supposed to know
and then you feel powerful and connected
15. Saying : Oh! -- like you get it.. But you still have no idea
and you make a Yeah face
16. Trying to fix things by hitting them
like a cellphone, computer, laptop, dvd, tv... always do that.. always works
17. People who make you happy the second they start talking to you
That only happens to me with one person.. my goat.. and my heart jumps a little.. sigh :(
18. If I text a person in the same room as me, I stare at them until they get it
#idothattoo and I feel creepy
19. Yelling "Run Forrest, fun" when you see someone running
I also apply "Run Joanne, run" from the House Bunny
20. Laughing so hard you feel a six pack coming on
And then you brag about it and you start telling people "touch it, touch it" and you feel sexy
These are some of the tweets that I loved but she has many more, really check her out.. Ill come back in a bit peeps! :) Happy Tuesday!
Monday, February 7, 2011
Lea Michele: America the Beautiful (Super Bowl XLV)
Beautiful as always, I love Lea Michele aways, and forever
just writing away
hii peeps.. Im very happy 'cause my blog stats are growing each day... I think, maybe, the videos have something to do with it.. anyway, my computer broke -.- worst timing ever, im writing from a mac.. i personally dont like mac's but i settle.. so how have you been doin? are you likin' my videos? I hope so.. I'm gonna keep it up, I'm really enjoying it.. but I also enjoy to write so this is not dead.. yet. hahah
Ok so last week I went to see Black Swan.. it blew my mind, like, I don't know what else to say about it. it is thrilling, exciting, funny, beautiful, interesting.. there's not a single thing missing on this movie! it has it all, when its over it leaves you like :O this.. oh wow. Natalie Portman looks mind blowingly beautiful, also Mila Kunis.. piece of advice.. if you're horny and you don't have a sex partner.. DON'T watch it, like DON'T.. I'm still suffering the consequences hahaha so sad. I don't wanna get much into it, 'cause if you haven't seen it I dont wanna ruin it for you. The soundtrack is amazing also! the picture, directing, music, dancing, grfedsapwbwei EVERYTHING!
Yesterday I saw The Girl Who Played With Fire, which is the second part of the movie The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo.. very interesting and strong movies.. I didn't finish the second one though.. I was too tired and I fell asleep, but Im getting on it just about now.. I gotta say though, what I did watch, made the 1st part much more understandable, everything is making sense now.. watch those movies, I recommend them a lot too..
My brother is getting here any minute now so I have to go, I hope that my computer gets fixed soon so I can webcast to you lovely people :) mail me you questions, comments, whatever at
Ok so last week I went to see Black Swan.. it blew my mind, like, I don't know what else to say about it. it is thrilling, exciting, funny, beautiful, interesting.. there's not a single thing missing on this movie! it has it all, when its over it leaves you like :O this.. oh wow. Natalie Portman looks mind blowingly beautiful, also Mila Kunis.. piece of advice.. if you're horny and you don't have a sex partner.. DON'T watch it, like DON'T.. I'm still suffering the consequences hahaha so sad. I don't wanna get much into it, 'cause if you haven't seen it I dont wanna ruin it for you. The soundtrack is amazing also! the picture, directing, music, dancing, grfedsapwbwei EVERYTHING!
Yesterday I saw The Girl Who Played With Fire, which is the second part of the movie The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo.. very interesting and strong movies.. I didn't finish the second one though.. I was too tired and I fell asleep, but Im getting on it just about now.. I gotta say though, what I did watch, made the 1st part much more understandable, everything is making sense now.. watch those movies, I recommend them a lot too..
My brother is getting here any minute now so I have to go, I hope that my computer gets fixed soon so I can webcast to you lovely people :) mail me you questions, comments, whatever at
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Let's start again. Hi, my name is..
Have you ever been through the awkward, but kind of fantastic stage where you and your significant other start all over again? Did I make myself clear? No? Haha, ok let's try this again, the girl I love is very weird.. recently she's been like irritated, and I don't know if it's because of me, but everytime I see her it's like we barely know each other.. and that made me sad, but I tried my best not to show it.
Now that we haven't been seeing each other, we've been talking through gchat, and I get this awkward feeling that we're starting all over again. I said fantastic 'cause it's like I've been given a second chance to do things right. My best friend keeps telling me to ignore her, and to stop loving her, I'm like 'dude, seriously, when you're dealing with true love it is IMPOSSIBLE to stop loving that person all of a sudden, plus I dont wanna ignore her 'cause she means half the world to me, and we have this amazing chemistry'.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
LesChick Flick
Oh my God you guys!! I know I may be judged for what I'm about to say.. I may not be the best lesbian for taking this long to watch this but I gotta saay!!! I just saw Imagine Me & You (2005).. One of the best epic romance chick flicks I've ever seen in general (heterosexual and gay) it is very cute.. I've loved Piper Perabo since Coyote Ugly (2000 starring with the beautiful Maria Bello) and of course, the sexy/beautiful Lena Heady which I've seen before very sexy handling guns in Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (2008). This movie shows you exactly what true love is, it DOES involve love at first sight, it does involve fantasizing 24/7 and not being able to sleep because you cant stop thinking about that significant other. That everytime you see her you just melt, and the butterflies in your stomach fly all over, and you feel a force from the beyond controlling you 'cause you can't seem to control your impulses..! I'm going through all of this for the first time, and now I know that I should not let go.. just give time and let fate decide wether that goat is for me, or not. :)
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Imagine Me & You Piper & Lena |
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Coyote Ugly Maria & Piper |
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Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles Sexy, beautiful Lena |
How to seduce a Gemini woman
Heyo fellow bloggers, I found this on the web, and since im a gemini I decided to share it with yaaaa -- enjoy
So you have your eyes set on a Gemini woman… why? Is it her child like curiosity and her lust for life? She is always on the go, looking for new things and learning what makes them tick. She wants to experience everything and anything. She loves to roll the dice and see how they fall. If you think you can keep up and allow her the freedom that an air sign needs then the Gemini woman is for you. I for one, hope you are limber.
The Gemini woman is vibrant and exciting but easily bored. She is always looking for something new and favors variety in everything. She probably has multiple interests but none will hold her attention for very long. Her mental complexity is however sometimes misinterpreted as being ambiguous or shallow but she is deep thinking. Though she thinks too much, her downfall is that she feels too little. For as many downfalls this gives it also has it perks. Your Gemini is never overly emotional or draining. She will not move to control you and will always give you space.
Charming and clever she will be a straightforward and flexible lover. She’s light and has a personality many find appealing. She is not the easiest sign in the zodiac to seduce though. The twin nature of the Gemini woman is always prominent. One second she could be all for whatever and whomever and the next, she doesn’t want to be bothered. To seduce her you need to think outside of the box. Rethink your entire approach and adjust your skills of persuasion. She will see through any half-hearted or shallow attempt to win her favor. If she does she see through you she will laugh wholeheartedly in your face and at your failure.
Though she is one for games, a Gemini woman doesn’t play with her own heart. When you move to seduce, turn your focus onto her intellect. This is her core; it is what makes her both strong and beautiful. A seduction strategy based on her intellect will draw in your female Gemini like a moth to a flame. She is very friendly and talkative by nature. This allows her to be able to get inside other people’s heads as they talk about almost anything. Since they are fast talkers and even faster thinkers, your initial conversation will be the key.
Within your initial conversation, be direct towards her intellect but be a bit detached and mysterious with yourself. More than likely she is doing the same. Here is the perfect opportunity for a little tit for tat. Give as much as she gives, hide whatever she hides. The game of chase or hide and seek are games she loves to play with potential suitors. She may be toying with you long enough to size you up and see if you are really for her. To spark her interest you need to make your mystery fun and approachable. She needs to WANT to get to know you. Get her to want you and you will get your date.
Your date doesn’t have to be planned ahead. Of course set up the time but the place can be played by ear. How does the day look? If the weather is good take her for a walk in park first and then make plans for dining. If the weather is bad maybe suggest a movie and pizza at home. Her impulsive nature will applaud yours and make her feel understood. Also on this date, find ways to compliment her. Gemini love recognition for the little things. Characteristically intelligent women like her and like the Taurus and Aries before her, need to be reminded how great they really are. They are too busy thinking and then executing, to appreciate their abilities.
Remember when I said earlier how I hope you are limber? This is why: a Gemini woman likes sex just like her personality — unpredictable and immediate. Change it up and give more bucks for the bang. Varied locations, positions even games of role-play will keep her happy and keep her with you. One thing to keep in mind is that she has a good imagination. Sometimes she enjoys the theory more than the practice. You will get far with an unexpected text or a comment low in her ear telling her how much you want to do something to her. Sharing the thought, in detail, that you want to pin her against the wall and have your way with her will gain you a hell of a lot of brownie points.
Now fair warning, many may say that Gemini women are not faithful. They are and can be so long as their partner can keep up with their changing interests. Fair warning aside, to keep your Gemini you may need a few tricks up your sleeve. For one, yes keep up with their ever changing array of interests. Secondly, let her uncover your soul. She likes puzzles and wants to figure you out for herself. Never give it all up at once, let her uncover as you go. Next, keep up on your own interests. This gives her something new to share with you and something new to learn. Just like when you seduced her, always think of maintaining a relationship with your Gemini woman on an intellectual basis.
As one of the most flexible and sexual signs in astrology, the patient and considerate seduction of a Gemini is well worth the wait. You have a woman in your midst that is free and caring. She is always quick to make fun of a bad situation and will even later fix it. Your Gemini woman is naturally fascinating with a diverse knowledge. She is as simple as rain yet as complex as a labyrinth. She will leave your head spinning and your area below the belt screaming for more. She makes your life interesting and you will wonder how you ever got along without her before. Try to keep up with her. She will take you on an amazing adventure
Alright peeps, my best friend just blogged some reviews about 2 movies, he actually "stole" my original idea for my first February blog.. but I didnt do it because I was feeling -well I still am- lost in love and desire, sooo I decided to blog this to take my mind off things and just concentrate on the art of the movies :)
Today I saw this movie called Afterlife, starring: Christina Ricci, Liam Neeson, and Justin Long. What can I say about it, it jut left me like this - :O, literally. I can't decide wether it is a good movie or not, because I didn't understand half of it.. and its not just me I mean, 2 friends that have seen it say the same, what I can say is that I enjoyed it and it glued me to the TV for an hour and a half. Great actors, loooved the makeup, the photography, the story line is good.. and oh well... what can I say.. I could swear that the point of making that movie was to showoff Christina's nice, cute breasts!! All in all it is entertaining, if you're in the mood for a psychological thriller go rent it!
It kindof reminded me a little of this movie called "I Know Who Killed Me" starring Lindsay Lohan.. but that one's just BAD! The very definition of a baaaaad, confusing movie! I dont recommend it at all! Just to make sure you dont get confused Im gonna share with you the poster.. no, really! Bad acting, bad story, lightning, directing, photography.. there's nothing good about this movie. oh well, except the fact that Lindsay Lohan is freaking beautiful..
The one movie that really, truly disappointed me is Burlesque! Oh yes, I saw it 2 days ago and, really, I highly recommend the soundtrack, I just love it.. aaand the musical numbers, just open youtube and search for them, but the movie NEVER! Like, for one, is the most unnoriginal movie I've ever seen, I've heard that it was the directors idea to make of Burlesque a tribute to all the jazz/cabaret musicals throughout time.. and I can live with that, but I just dont see the point in mixing 3 great, historical, and classic movies storylines buuut making an original soundtrack.. I felt mocked, and insulted when I was watching it.. like.. forreals people! I spotted 2 Moulin Rouge scenes, like 4 or 5 Chicago scenes (even in the music beats so jazzy, and the Fosse hands!! Never copy -or try to copy- Fosse!), like really I saw both Velma Kelly and Roxie Hart in Christina Aguilera, like 3 scenes from Cabaret including Mein Herr, Two Ladies, and Maybe This Time.. I even caught an essence of Coyote Ugly in it! Anyway.. it is boring, bad photography, bad acting, boring story and it is just TOO DAMN LONG! I couldnt see the end of it.. really! I fell asleep and I thought I was going to die in there!! So, basically, I dont recommend it, at all! I expected a lot more of Christina and Cher.. I own the soundtrack and I just love it, too bad the director didnt know how to handle this.. really, if you're willing to make something with this level of risk and difficulty, at least do it right!
The other movie I recently watched is Brothers, starring: Natalie Portman, Tobey Maguire, and Jake Gyllenhaal, what can I say about this movie.. first of all Natalie Portman is AWESOME, she looks beautiful as a blonde, and, well.. I have followed her acting career, and she's a greeeeat actress. I personally love war movies, and this one shows you an insight on how war can affect people for good, it is intense, thrilling, funny, sad.. it has all the ingredients to blow your mind off and keep you interested through the WHOLE movie. It shows you all sides of life and what really is important: love, family, and peace of mind to keep these 2 factors working, I highly recommend it! It is mainly drama, if you haven't seen it dont wait any longer and SEE IT NOW!!
And last, but not at all least, FOSSE! No, not All That Jazz.. Fosse is a musical tribute to this great, genius man named Robert Fosse, a hero to many, including me.. If you're into jazz, musicals, dancing, blues and that sort of suff DO watch it, it includes awesome numbers from Chicago, The Pajama Game, Cabaret, Sweet Charity, Dancin.. to name a few! It just blew my mind, and I couldnt take my eyes off of the TV.. amazing dancing numbers, and a great source to learn more about this great man's dancing technique and music master! Check out Dana Moore in various musical numbers, including Nowadays/Hot Honey Rag. She now gives classes throughout the world, shes freaking amazing!
Don't miss today's review, 'cause I'm going to watch Black Swan! Oh yes, I'm so very excited, and I'm sure that Mrs. Portman won't let me down :O :D plus I wanna talk about this psychological thriller called The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, but yes, Ill leave it for later :D
Thats it for now my beauiful people :) have a good February 1st :D
lost in love and desire
I miss her.. I talked to her a couple of hours ago, a very casual conversation and.. goddamnit! I miss her madly, and I don't know how to reach out to her.. if stepping away or being there, I have no clue about what to do, if I should close this chapter and move on, or keep holding on.. I know she's worth all the trouble I've been through. I just wish she'd talk to me in a crude, objective way to make me understand what is it that she wants. Am I lame? pathetic? Its just that im on vacation so I have time to overthink stuff.. thats why Im being like this.
I Love You, you mean Goat
I Love You, you mean Goat
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